Welcome to
Saba Wellness Pharmacy
About Us
Our team at Saba Wellness Pharmacy are dedicated to your wellbeing and will provide you with the advice you need to make the right choice about maintaining good health. We want to help you understand more about your medicine so you can achieve better health faster. We are committed to your everyday health and wellbeing offering a variety of products and services on prescription as well as over the counter.

Our Services

Since 2017 Saba Wellness Pharmacy has a direct link with Saba Health Care Facility (the hospital) for electronic prescriptions. After your visit to the doctor, prescriptions are sent directly to us for your collection. Repeat prescriptions are also sent in batches to us after 3pm, after they are authorized by the doctor, on the day that you request them from reception.
Never worry about losing your repeats. Your repeat is electronic and on our file. All prescriptions expire 1 year after the date they were written. When you have a repeat owing, you simply come into the pharmacy to collect it as long as it has not expired. Call ahead to have it prepared in advance to save you waiting time.
We provide dose administration aids both in store for you to pack your own medicines into dosette boxes or talk to your doctor to see if you qualify for the “blister pack” service packed monthly by our dispensary team.

Over The Counter
We stock products from both Europe and the United States where possible. Deliveries come in by ship each week on Wednesdays. Flu vaccines are available from the Doctors at the Hospital at the beginning of each flu season. Over the counter medicines are available here to alleviate most general complaints such as: allergies, colds and flu, first aid, baby and children, gastrointestinal issues, analgesics, along with supplements to speed up recovery. We offer products for:
Pain relief
Cough & Cold
Sinus & Allergy
First Aid
Skin care & Cosmetics
Hair care
Contact lens care
Vitamins & supplements
Stop smoking aids
Reading & Sun glasses
Baby range
Specials orders may be placed for products that are not normally kept in stock. Discuss these orders with our staff, in store from 9am-5pm each day.

If you have questions or queries about medication, talk to your friendly pharmacist or pharmacist assistant. They can provide advice on effective medication management, what your medication is for and the potential side effects. Any complaints should be directed to the pharmacist.

Our Team

Jacqui Christian
Pharmacist & Owner

Regan Lee
Pharmacy Administrator
Nicole Rodriguez Lopez
Pharmacist Assistant

Opening Hours
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat: 10am - 12pm
Sun: Closed
Contact Us
Questions, comments, complaints, requests? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you. Or contact KNMP
Flamboyant Street 11, The Bottom, Dutch Caribbean
WhatsApp +599 416 1285 / +599 416 4610
Telephone 416 3400 or the Hospital for after hours care 4163288 ext 1